Connecting Culture
Audience Research
Throughout 2021 a group of Northumberland cultural organisations and Northumberland County Council commissioned Newcastle Gateshead Initiative to deliver research examining audiences across Northumberland. The aim of the research was to help us get a better understanding of Northumberland audiences and to see how perceptions of culture have changed since Covid-19.
Click on this link to download an executive summary of the report.
Click on this link to download the full report.
Connecting Culture Network
All the organisations felt they benefitted from the collaborative working and wanted to continue working together to build audiences across Northumberland. Connecting Culture was set up to do this.
The aim of Connecting Culture is to:
To share issues/concerns/support.
To implement the recommendations of the Northumberland Audience Research report.
To cross promote Northumberland’s cultural activity bringing the breadth of activity to the attention of a wider audience.
To exchange information with the Northumberland Strategic Culture Network and Thriving Together Northumberland.
Join us
To really make an impact we would love to welcome new members. The type of organisations we hope will want to join us include:
Registered charities
Companies limited by guarantee
Voluntary run clubs /societies that focus on cultural events.
Size doesn’t matter. You don’t have to employ people.
The network will focus on issues affecting cultural organisations rather than individual freelancers.
You can find out more by clicking on this link.
Northumberland Strategic Culture Network
Northumberland Strategic Culture Network is a cross sector representation of cultural leaders including, regeneration, health, education and universities, arts, heritage, faith, tourism and the voluntary sector that lead on delivery of Northumberland’s Cultural Strategy. They meet 3 times a year and the 4th meeting is a large scale Culture Forum for the sector.
To find out more, click on this link to the Culture Northumberland website.
The Culture Northumberland website also provides details of other place based cultural networks in Northumberland.
Connecting Culture is part-funded by Thriving Together Northumberland